Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sweet Release

#1 - I'm grateful for a garbage disposal. No more fishing out nasty things from the sink. Yay!

#2 - I'm grateful that I'm learning to be frugal. I'm getting better and better as the weeks go by. I'm learning new skills and I think the lessons learned from going without are invaluable. Someday I hope that being this frugal won't be necessary, but I'm grateful that I have this time in my life to learn and grow from this experience.

#3 - I'm grateful that Hans took the kids for 2 hours today while I went out and ran my errands. It was a rough day and I really needed to unwind. I got a lot of grocery shopping done and reacquainted myself with an old Kenny Chesney CD. It was a pleasant afternoon. The best part was, I didn't come home to Hans ripping his hair out. He had everything nicely under control.