Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Fun!

About 2 weeks ago, we ventured out to the corn maze. It was a bit chilly, but the kids held up well. James wasn't a big fan of the maze, but he did love the animals.

We made it all the way through. I pushed the stroller and had to check on Noah every two minutes to make sure he didn't suffer from shaken baby syndrome (the path was extremely bumpy). Hans carried James the whole way through, but we made it out alive. No cheating, promise!

James wouldn't pose for a picture with our carved pumpkin, but Noah would and boy, isn't he cute!

Halloween night. Tons of fun!


Marissa said...

James looks cute actually wearing his hat and Noah sure does know how to pose.

bonbon said...

oh my gosh, their halloween costumes are adorable!