Wednesday, November 4, 2009


#1 - I'm grateful that my kids go to bed well. Heaven knows I have crazy kids, but when it hits 7:00 pm, all is right in the world. No screaming and no tantrums. James tries to help say the prayer, Noah gives us one last big smile, we give lots of kisses and we're (usually) done for the night. I love them!

#2 - I'm grateful for Butterfingers. Yum! Especially the fun size because they don't make me feel as guilty.

#3 - I'm grateful for my $19 Walmart jeans. I seem to have had bad luck lately with jeans (probably because I just about have a stroke when I look at the price tag of any decent pair, and I apparently don't have enough of a butt to keep them up), so I decided to give the old Wally World a try. I'm in love! Finally, jeans that don't fall off my butt all day long. They may not be the cutest things on earth, but what can I say, I'm on a budget.


Marissa said...

you wear walmart jeans? gross


bonbon said...

remember when marissa was making fun of your jeans at my baby shower (where I received awesome nursing covers)? HAHAHAHA! One day Marissa will learn to be nice. Glad you found some you like- it really does make a huge difference