Friday, November 6, 2009

More blessings . . . belated

These will be yesterday's blessings. I planned on posting in the evening, but I (not surprisingly) conked out much earlier than I intended.

So for yesterday:

#1 - I'm grateful for nice weather. Yesterday, we opened the garage door while I cleaned the car and James roamed free. He loves having outdoor time and it makes the days fly by. Today, we'll try to venture out to the park if we can squeeze it in between naps.

#2 - I'm grateful for green bell peppers. They added that little extra kick to our omelets last night. Yum!

#3 - I'm grateful that my husband pretends to think that my couponing is cool. He always listens and acts excited when tell him about my great deals, but I know him well enough to know that he is just trying to make me feel good. It's the thought that counts, right.


Matt, Erin, Kaden, Sophia, Jack, & Leah said...

I love your blessings. They are so simple but it's the simple blessings that mean so much. Thanks for reminding me of that.