Friday, May 29, 2009


Whoever invented the "spillproof" sippy cup never met James.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Harness Giveaway

I was reading a friend's blog and she had posted a link to this blog. I was so excited, I just had to share. Ok, really I just get an extra entry if I post about it on my blog and I REALLY want it! They call it a 2-in-1 harness, but it's pretty much a leash. But hey, if it keeps James close and away from kidnappers and cars, then I consider it totally humane. Love it. Go here for the giveaway.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

House Update!

I've had so many people ask me about what happened with this house, so I thought I should post a quick update. Well, here is a picture of the house. So cute, huh? I love it.

So, on Monday, we got word from the seller that they would be sending us a counter offer. I was so nervous because I knew we couldn't go any higher than our original offer. About an hour later, our realtor received the offer and gave us a call. All they wanted was to be able to take the fridge with them. I was so relieved! We ran right over to the office and signed the counter offer right away. But all is not well quite yet. This is a short sale, so the bank still has to approve everything and that could take months, if they even approve it at all. We're preparing ourselves for a long wait, but hopefully it won't take too long.

Up to this point, we feel so lucky. I feel like everything has gone so much smoother than I could have ever hoped. When we looked at the house on Saturday, we knew that there were three other offers already going in, so I felt like it was such a long shot. I just knew I was setting myself up for a huge letdown, but I loved the house so much, I felt like we at least needed to try. It turns out that there ended up being a total of six offers and ours is the only one the seller is even presenting to the bank. I couldn't be happier with the way things are going and we're just praying that this isn't too good to be true. We're keeping our fingers crossed.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Crazy Monday!

It is 7:15 am and the craziness is about to begin. I've already been up for and hour feeding and changing two boys and, judging by the noise Noah just made in his pants, I'm going to have to change him again as soon as I'm done here.

First of all, our house is under contract (WOOHOO). After a few arguments, quite a few tears, and several counter offers, we finally have a signed contract. The inspector came through on Friday and the appraiser came through on Saturday. We have yet to hear about either. We were quite nervous about both of those going smoothly and the house appraising for the purchase price, so we are anxious to hear.

On Saturday, we went hunting for our new house. Well, we found it! The problem is there are three other people who also believe that it is their new house. So, we wrote up an offer and it will be going in this morning along with at least three other offers. Before we can put it in we have to get pre-qualification letters from two lenders.

So, to sum it up. Today we will talk to two lenders, go pick up pre-qualification letters from both, deliver them to our realtor, get the offer into the bank, find out about the inspection and appraisal on our house and hopefully hear something back from the bank late this evening. Oh yeah, and I have to go to the grocery store today (free mission tortillas from Albertson's). Wish us luck!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Oh James!

Yesterday, we discovered that Noah has an ear infection. So sad! It kills me to hear my babies screaming in pain. So, once again, we have a bottle of pink amoxicillin in the fridge. James has only had to have it once and it was awhile ago, but he still remembers how much he loves it. Every time I give Noah a dose, James freaks out.

Last night, James was in the kitchen by himself for a few minutes while I was feeding Noah. When I walked in I discovered that James is a little too smart for me to handle. He had opened the fridge and had taken out the amoxicillin. Then he reached up on the counter and grabbed the syringe I had just used to give Noah the medicine. Then he opened the silverware drawer, found a sharp knife and was using it to try to open the bottle of medicine. What am I going to do with him?